
私たちは、そうした難民の児童たちの教育環境の整備するため、Community School Programと共同して、学校の屋根や床の修理をしたり、健康食品、ソーラーパネルそしてFirst Aid Kitなどを現地に送る活動をしてきました。
  ミ ャンマーは内戦状態が続いています。故郷を追われた児童たちに明るい未来が広がっていくよう、私たちも支援してまいります。皆様のご支援とご協力をお願いいたします。

Non-profit organization Asia Children Welfare Association

  The East Asian Children Welfare Association, the predecessor of the Asian Children Welfare Association, was certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a non-profit organization on January 7, 2014. 
  Subsequently, in order to expand its activities to improve the educational environment for children from ethnic minorities in Myanmar, the organization changed its name and articles of incorporation to the Asian Child Welfare Association on June 16, 2017.
  In Myanmar, a coup d'état by the military occurred on February 1, 2021. As a result, many refugees fled to the mountainous areas of Myanmar and the border areas of neighboring Thailand.
In refugee camps, people do not have access to water, electricity, gas, or other necessities of life. Even so, the children go to the "school" that the refugees built themselves every day to study.
In order to improve the educational environment for these refugee children, we have been repairing the roofs and floors of schools, and sending health food, solar panels, and First Aid Kits to the site.
  Myanmar is in civil war. We will continue to support children who have been forced to flee their hometowns so that they can have a bright future. 
Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Orphanes in China


Refugees of Myanmar


Situation in Myanmar


   Improvement of Education for Orpahanes


Improvement of Education for Myanmar Refugees


協力団体    Cooperating Organizations  

Community School Program (メーソット、メーサリアン)

Pure Heart Foundation(チェンマイ)

Saan Jai Dee Clinic   (サンクラブリー)


Recent and Upcoming Activities

 2024年3月 タイ・メーホンソン県・ ナイソイ難民キャンプ訪問

 2024年4月 タイ・カンチャナプリ県・福祉施設訪問
2024年4月  タイ・メーホンソン県・ナイソイ難民キャンプ内保育園改修 
2024年8月 タイ・メーホンソン県・ ナイソイ難民キャンプ訪問
2024年10月 カレン州の難民キャンプへ食糧支援予定(連合による資金援助)

2025年活動予定 (時期未定) 


Upcoming  Project in 2025
・School facility improvement project at Naisoi refugee camp
・Community development training at Naisoi refugee camp
・Nursery school improvement project in Naisoi refugee camp
・School facility and sanitary environment improvement project in Karen State






ニュース     2024年11月2日

ニュース 2025年2月9日

History of the Asia Children Welfare Association


January 7, 2014 Certified as a non-profit organization East Asian Children Welfare Association


April 2017 Started educational support with RCCJ as a way to support children in Myanmar living in Japan

   (Suspended from 2020 due to the spread of corona infection)

On June 16, 2017, the name and articles of incorporation were changed and the organization was established as the Asian Children Welfare Association.


July 2017 Providing stationery and food to 24 children in an orphanage in China


March 2019 Donation of silicone hot water bottles to 28 children at an orphanage in China 


June 2019: Donation of school bags to children in Kachin State, Myanmar (5,000 bags over three trips)   


August 2019: Students from the orphanage were invited to Japan to interact with Waseda University students and members of the association. 


February 2020 Donation of 2,000 lunch bags (refrigerated) to ethnic minority children in Myanmar 


May~June 2022: Donation of 100,000 yen each to three organizations to support Ukrainian children


October 2022: Providing nutritional supplements to ethnic minority areas in Myanmar (Karen State) 


January 2023: Providing nutritional supplements again to ethnic minority areas (Karen State) in Myanmar


March 2023 Provision of solar panels and First Aid Kits to ethnic minority areas (Karen State) in Myanmar 


August 2023: Providing relief supplies to medical facilities in Myanmar's ethnic minority area (Karen State)


April 2024 Renovation of a nursery school in the Nai Soi Displaced Persons Camp in Thailand